Basic Network Security Administrations

Haloooo Hari ini saya akan berbagi informasi mengenai Basic Network Security Aministration, materi ini sebenarnya sudah saya bikin dari mulai tahun 2021 di Acara Kamp Kreatif Siswa SMK Indonesia (KKSI) saya sebagai Instruktur, nanti akan saya sisipkan PDF nya agar kalian bisa menggunakannya untuk belajar, materi disini menggunakan bahasa Inggris ya mungkin jika ada beberapa kalimat atau kata yang kurang, Thank you

Okay Here we goooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


NetSec Definition
Attacks on Different layer
Security on Different Layer
Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Internet Evolution


Network Security Definition

the SANS Institute explains, is “the process of taking physical and software preventative measures to protect the underlying networking infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction, modification, destruction, or improper disclosure, thereby creating a secure platform for computers, users and programs to perform their permitted critical functions within a secure environment.”

Network security is any activity designed to protect the usability and integrity of your network and data.

It includes both hardware and software technologies
It targets a variety of threats
It stops them from entering or spreading on your network
Effective network security manages access to the network

